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Mandalorian Vault

Mandalorian Vault

Regular price $15.00 CAD
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A Mandalorian vault, also known as a Mandalorian sarcophagus, was a mobile prison cell utilized by the warriors of the planet Mandalore to contain captured Force-sensitives. The Mandalorians used these devices in the years prior to the Clone Wars to imprison Knights of the Jedi Order, though they were eventually outlawed by Duchess Satine Kryze, who ushered in an era of peace for her war-stricken planet. By 19 BBY, only one vault remained. Following the Siege of Mandalore in that same year, that last device was used to transport deposed ruler Maul from Mandalore's capital city of Sundari to the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal, scheduled to deliver the rogue dark sider to the planet Coruscant.
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